Contents of Proceedings
Keynote Lectures
An overview of the landscape ecology of hedgerows
J Baudry & RGH Bunce .. 3
Contemporary themes in hedgerow research in the UK
D McCollin .. 17
Theme 1: The Definition and Character of Hedgerows
Hedgerows in the farming landscapes of Canada
CBoutin, B Jobin, L Bélanger, A Baril & KE Freemark .. 33
Hedgerows of different cultures: implications from a Canadian and English cross-cultural study
SM Oreszczyn & AB Lane .. 43
Multifunctional hedgerows in Norway
G Fry .. 53
Poster Papers
From past to present: the changing functions of hedges in England and the West of France -Bocages, woodlands and enclosures
A Antoine .. 63
GIS – a tool for hedgerow management
R Bonet, H Merle & A Benoit .. 69
Developing a national hedgerow survey method for England and Wales
CJ Bickmore & JP Wenman .. 75
The ecological evaluation of hedgerows: a first attempt at a practical approach
M Chincarini & E Padoa-Schioppa .. 81
The cropped walls of Malta
SM Haslam .. 87
Mapping hedgerows in a landscape context using airborne remote sensing data
RA Hill, GM Smith & RM Fuller .. 93
Sources of error in the estimation of lengths of hedgerows
DC Howard .. 99
Spatial knowledge and characteristics of the mountain hedgerow network of Bourg d'Oisans plain (French Alps)
S Pacyna & S Vanpeene-Bruhier .. 105
Woody field boundaries in Great Britain: stock and change between 1990 and 1998
S Petit, RC Stuart, MK Gillespie & CJ Barr .. 111
Development of the space occupied by hedgerows in France over the past 40 years: the contribution and limits of statistical data
P Pointereau .. 117
Hedgerows in North-western Germany: History, ecological functions, management and future of hedges in the cultural landscape of Westphalia, Germany
B Tenbergen .. 123
Theme 2: The Value of Hedgerows to Wildlife
Hedgerows in the Mediterranean region: a multifunctional system which links diversity with the history of cultivated plants
MG Paoletti, AL Dreon & FC Lorenzoni .. 131
An assessment of the potential of British hedges to act as corridors and refuges for Ancient Woodland Indicator plants
SM Smart, RGH Bunce & RC Stuart .. 137
How can an understanding of dispersal processes for woody species contribute to the establishment and management of hedgerows?
I Sarlöv Herlin .. 147
Poster papers
The effect of connection to woodlands on the woody species composition of hedgerows: A case study on the Mendip Hills plateau, North Somerset
A J Boots .. 157
Professor Ronald Good’s Botanical Survey of Dorset
N Button .. 163
Landscape woody border increases insect diversity in alfalfa fields
JD Holland and L Fahrig .. 167
The influence of hedgerows on coleopteran distributions: results from a multi-field sampling study
JM Holland, M Begbie, T Birkett, CJM Reynolds & CFG Thomas .. 177
Diversity of field margins in an intensive crop region (Gâtine lochoise, France): explanatory factors and effects on biodiversity
F di pietro & a génin .. 187
The effect of hedgerow characteristics on the winter hedgerow bird community
DE Chamberlain, JA Vickery, EJP Marshall & GM Tucker .. 197
Poster Papers
Hedgerows as refuges for pest birds and plants: could Québec's farmers be wrong?
B Jobin, C Boutin & L Bélanger .. 207
The importance of hedgerow field boundaries to densities of beneficial invertebrates in cereals
SJ Moreby & S Southway .. 213
Analysis of hedgerow networks in a regional park of Lombardy: preliminary results
E Padoa-Schioppa, M Baietto, L Bottoni, D Facchinetti, & R Massa .. 219
International use of field boundary shrubs by a migratory warbler: cultural and agri-cultural considerations of farmers
C Stoate, RM Morris & JD Wilson .. 225
Landscape scale
Roadside vegetation in Australia: conservation values and function of a linear habitat network in rural environments
AF Bennett and R van der Ree .. 231
Green lanes: biodiversity reservoirs in farmland?
JW Dover& TH Sparks .. 241
The contribution of hedgerows to the landscape character and ecological integrity of a lowland English landscape
EA Simmons, J Connor & A Jucker .. 251
Poster Papers
Role of green veining to sustain biodiversity in agricultural landscapes
S Aviron & F Burel .. 261
Armorican bocages and societies: origins, evolution and interactions
D Marguerie, C Thenail & D Le Coeur .. 267
Spatial and ecological knowledge of the mountain bocage of Champsaur (French Alps)
B Martin, S Vanpeene-Bruhier & JJ Brun .. 273
Theme 3: Hedgerow, Management and Processes
The influence of hedgerow systems on water and pollutant fluxes: from the local
to the catchment scale
V Viaud, V Caubel, C Grimaldi, J Baudry & P Mérot .. 281
Planting and maintaining hedges in Europe
A Reif, P Bazin, J Degmair, V Tourret, Th Schmutz and H Walentowski .. 289
Botanical conservation values in Danish hedgerows
K Tybirk, E Aude, REjrnæs, J Reddersen, AB Hald, L Riberholdt, C Jönsson, JE Jørgensen, M Gramstrup, PR Andreasen, LR Vind, A Dalsgaard, NV Jensen, P Odderskær & HSell .. 299
Vetiver hedgerow: a hedge for environmental protection and landscaping
PNV Truong& MW L Pease .. 309
Treatments to restore the diversity of herbaceous flora of hedgerows
EJP Marshall, TM West & MJ Maudsley .. 319
The function of hedges in England and Wales – reasons for their establishment
C J Bickmore .. 329
Studies on the restoration of Welsh Hedges
MJ Hayes, AT Jones, NR Sackville Hamilton, J Wildig & A Buse .. 339
Poster Papers
Promotion of hedgerow landscapes – example of the Champsaur-Valgaudemar valley
R Bonet, A Bousquet, H Cortot, & M Villetard .. 349
The future for hedgerow protection in England and Wales
A R Congreve .. 355
Effects of management on the biodiversity of English hedgerows
EJP Marshall, MJ Maudsley, TM West & HR Rowcliffe .. 361
Understanding farm families’ choice of hedgerow management strategies
ME Renner .. 367
HEDGES: Everything about hedges in Europe - techniques, studies and advice for planting and maintaining hedges
V Tourret .. 373