Landscape Ecology - Journal of IALE

IALE works with Springer to produce this flagship journal in the rapidly developing fields of ecology and sustainability science of landscapes.

The journal focuses on highly inter- and transdisciplinary studies, aggregating expertise from biological, geophysical, and social sciences to explore the formation, dynamics and consequences of spatial heterogeneity in natural and human-dominated landscapes. The journal publishes new and innovative papers which seek to improve our understanding of the relationships between spatial patterns and ecological processes, and which provide guidance and solutions to help develop and maintain sustainable landscapes.

Landscape Ecology is a valuable resource for both researchers and practitioners in broad-scale ecology, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem management, landscape planning and design, and is one of the leading journals across these fields.

Subscribe to Landscape Ecology

Great news! As members of ialeUK you are entitled to take out an individual subscription to Landscape Ecology.

Springer Publishing have kindly agreed that members of ialeUK can take out an annual individual subscription at the rate of Members EURO 60 ( ̴ £49) or Student Members EURO 45 ( ̴ £37). This is a great offer as individual subscription is not currently available directly from the journal and the corporate rate is £1000.

If you would like to subscribe please send an email to subscriptions [at] iale [dot] org [dot] uk. ialeUK will then send you a subscription form to fill in. Upon receiving your completed form we shall pass your details on to Springer who will contact you directly to collect the subscription fee and set up access to the journal.

Early Papers from Landscape Ecology

All papers published in Landscape Ecology from its origin in 1987 through 1997 are now available for free downloading as PDF files.

Download early papers from Landscape Ecology